07 November 2012

Knitting Progress Report

Some of you had the most amazing Trader Joe's suggestions, most of which I've never tried.  Needless to say, my shopping list is a bit longer than usual this week.

So, where to start with my huge pile of in-progress knitting projects...

Here is the latest progress on the draft blocker.  I'm almost to the length I need and I'll still have some scraps left over for another project.  Good thing Nancy keeps on posting amazing scrap project inspiration.

These socks really should have been finished by now, but I've had to rip back several times to fix some unfortunate mistakes.  I know that they won't be as long as the knee socks shown in the book example because I only have one skein of yarn, but I've decided to make them as long as possible.

This scarf is a little bit out of character for me.  I started it a few weeks ago when I was really stressed and needed a quick project with a comforting yarn.  This Cascade cotton/wool blend was gifted to me by some wonderful family friends and it fit the bill.  Now if only the colors went together in combination with the pattern.  I'm strongly considering ripping it out, but what do you think (honestly)?

I've also resumed slow progress on the BFF cowl I'm knitting along with Ashley (by the way, have you seen her beautiful desk space yet?  So creative!).  This project serves as yet another reminder that I'm just so lucky to have such wonderful knitters from all over the world that I get to connect with every day.

Also, a random question: why can kitties be so relaxed one minute and then completely spazz out and look like a wild panther beast the next?  It may not be obvious from the photo, but one of her little fangs is sticking out making her extra goofy-looking.

Now I'm going to return to my busy week as a student while contemplating Ness' tempting plan to build a comforting nest of yarn, I hope you all have a great rest of the week!


  1. It's official: I am always going to be reminded of the Dr. Who scarf whenever I see a pic of that draft blocker. :) Looking fancy!

  2. Goodness what a lot of projects. Not sure on the scarf combo, maybe it should be just one of either colour. Your socks are a great colour too

  3. You have so many projects going! I actually like the color combos on the scarf but I am a huge fan of stripey things. My cat is exactly like that too, yours is so adorable, even when she goes from relaxed to crazy!

  4. Lovely to have a bunch of stuff to be getting on with :)
    The scarf. Not so keen on the combo. Sorry! Maybe just one of the colours? I like both on their own :)

  5. I can see the tip of her fang...my Winnie gets the cat crazies and will bounce of furniture never touching the floor with her tail bottle brush size. It makes the baby laugh hysterically. As for Trader Joes, I love that store and can't wait for the one in Boulder to be built. I usually go when I'm in California on layovers, but there are so many things I want to try that will have to wait. I can't tell on my monitor if the scarf is grey or green? I like the yellow though.

  6. That is a lot of gorgeous knitting! I like the stripey scarf, keep going!

  7. Love those socks! And teh kitteh, of course :-)

  8. scrap yarn always seems to have a way of coming together well! i really like all those wips, and am glad to see you back!

  9. Terrific lace socks! Wow they look so ornate.
    Love those bold stripes for the draft blocker.

  10. Personally, I like the cowl/scarf colors. Are you going to make the mitts, too? If so, consider changing the color order for each mitt: that would make it more fun.

    I love your draft dodger - a great use of scraps.

  11. I love your kitty, she's so fluffy!
    I think you need to keep up with the scarf, I actually really like it and it's nice to have something simple to turn to when you are stressed. I also cannot wait to see those amazing socks, they've got me wanting to cast on another pair myself.

  12. Now that I look at the pictures I took on a computer I realize how cluttered and messy my desk is, so its kind of embarrassing, haha. I can't wait until I move, hopefully I will have more space and my workspace won't be so cluttered. I fight between being a closet minimalist and wanting to be surrounded by menagerie of inspiration. I love the draft dodger, as for the scarf, if you don't like it now, you probably won't like it when its finished. (just speaking from experience) but I do think it looks great and I like the colors together. And looking at your BFF cowl, I think the color will work just fine with the yarn I purchased :] And as for school you will do great this next month, don't stress you got this!

  13. I'm telling you! Yarn nest! All your troubles will melt away. :) I love the scarf colors! I say keep going with it. But then again, if you don't like it enough to wear it, don't waste any more time on it. There will eventually be a perfect pattern. :)

  14. Hi Pumkin, wonderfull to see how many projects you started! I especially love the socks! and about the scarf.. I just love it! it would perfectly fit my wardrobe, I just love stripes and different shades of green. Keep going!

  15. Everything looks great but I love the socks! I can't wait to see them finished but no pressure:)

  16. Great projects on the needles! Our cats could be twins!

  17. I love all your WIPs -- color, yarn, pattern, everything! As for the strange behavior of cats, my two aren't any different and I'm convinced that they live in a world all their own! : )

  18. It looks like you have a fair number of knits going. If you aren't enjoying the scarf, go ahead and rip away. But I think it looks pretty good. And you can always gift it if you don't want to wear it yourself.

  19. I love the color of the socks and they look like they are close to being done. You'll get there soon. Yellow and Grey are my favorite so that scarf looks pretty awesome to me!

  20. Your projects look great. I like the yellow and grey combo. It looks good together. Cats always seem do to things just to make their owners ask why?, don't they?

  21. Love, love, love the color of those socks. Hope you get to finish them soon so you have new socks for the winter. Your scarf looks like the beginning of a sweater or vest. I like the colors together, but the ribbing throws me off.

  22. I love the socks! And cute photos of your kitty! I'm not normally a cat person but yours seems to have a fun and zany personality!

  23. Those socks are going to be so pretty !

  24. Aren't scrap projects so much fun? (Says the girl who is working on a sock yarn blanket...but doesn't knit socks. Oops.) The draft blocker is such a good idea! I might make one with my shame-stash-- y'know, that secret stash of acrylic from when knitters first learn to knit and the only place nearby to get yarn is Walmart. ...Please tell me I'm not the only one with a shame-stash.

    Your projects are looking just gorgeous. I love the stripey scarf-- when you wear it, it'll be so cool to see the stripes changing direction depending on how you loop it around! The BFF cowl looks so cozy, too.

    xo Julie

  25. Oh my goodness, and I thought I had a lot of projects going at once! All of these look brilliant. I especially like that bright pink yarn!

  26. All gorgeous colours. Loving the look of the draught excluder! :)


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