28 April 2012

Day 6: Improving Your Skill Set (3KCBWDAY6)

This post happens to be right down my alley! I'm definitely one of those people who believes that you can never know everything there is to know about a particular subject. You can always improve, always innovate, and always combine one area of knowledge with another for interesting results. So, I'm definitely always trying to learn more about the fiber arts.

That drive to learn more was definitely what made me want to learn how to spin, it was just a natural progression from knitting.

In fact, in an effort to improve our skill sets, Lisa and I each made a list Fiber Goals for 2012 back in January.  I suppose it has been a while since I have posted about them, so here is an update (for more information, see the Fiber Goals for 2012 tab above).  Bold type indicates a goal in progress.

- Knit a pair of CookieA socks
- Complete a colorwork sweater
- Complete an entrelac project
- Knit a tea pot cosy
- Conquer fear of short rows
- Knit a decent looking toy
- Try knitting with a new type of fiber
- Finish a spin-to-knit project

- Buy or make a wheel (Mr. Engineering is working to help me design an e-spinner)
- Learn to spin on a different type of spindle
- Learn to Navajo ply
- Learn to spin attractive relaxed singles
- Master spinning with a silk hankie
- Spin a new type of fiber 

- Learn to shear a sheep
- Dye fiber/yarn with tea
- Design a pattern and publish
- Make three knitting/dyeing/spinning tutorials for blog

I've been moving a little slowly on these goals lately, but this summer I'll have a lot more time to focus on them.  I even have a list in the works for next year, which includes learning how to crochet.  I know that lists don't work for everyone, but they certainly help me to get things done!

Do you have any knitting/crochet/spinning resolutions?

This post is written for Day 6 of Knitting and Crocheting Blog Week 2012 hosted by Eskimimi. To find other posts like this one, check out the website or click here for a complete listing.


  1. You are making great progress with your goals!
    I suggest Monkey Socks for your Cookie A pattern. They are fun and addictive. You will be amazed at how quickly you complete a pair!

  2. there is nothing to fear from short rows - try out the short row scarf from Lion Brand, so easy.. Entrelac is something I am yet to try out

  3. What an inspiring list! We saw a sheep shorn last summer - it is no small feat!!!
    Please please do some dyeing and spinning tutorials! I can't wait for them!!!

  4. You are so much further on your list than I am on mine. I was looking at it a while back and a lot of the things I put on it I really have no desire to do anymore/ only put because I couldn't think of anything else at the time. I feel like the goals I have for myself now are completely changed since January.

  5. Your list looks very impressive. The amount of stuff floating around in my noggins makes me fear writing out a list. I've contemplated spinning but every time I think on it I envision my husband's immense sighing and long suffering due to me taking on another hobby. Poor guy :p

  6. Wow that's quite a list of things to learn, best of luck to you. Mine are just more vague...like someday I'd like, lol.

  7. Ooo. You are designing something? I'd love to hear more about it!

  8. You have reminded me that I forgot to add spinning to my list of things to learn!!!!!! It's something I really want to do and I bought myself a drop spindle and some wool batts a couple of weeks ago. How did you get on when you first started?

    Re the sheep shearing??? You DEFINITELY have to blog that one!


  9. What a great list! My friend has just started spinning and between your posts and seeing her, I don't know if I can hold off for 3 more years to learn how to myself. You have spun some beautiful yarn!

  10. While I love all your goals, learning to shear a sheep has got to be my favorite!!

  11. Wow, I love that photo of the spindle caught in mid-twirl!

  12. Lists definitely work for me too, even if I change the sometimes! Learning to shear a sheep will be a great challenge, make sure you share photos of that one!

  13. I love your list - that is such a great way to remind yourself of what is important to you within your craft at the moment.
    And don't fret - you have already ticked off a lot from your list and still have seven months left of 2012!

  14. Those are amazing goals, and look how much you have accomplished in only 4 months! I wouldn't say you were going slow at all. Love that you challenge yourself.

  15. Love your fiber goals! And you're making such amazing progress on so many already. Awesome! Also, I cannot WAIT to hear more about the e-spinner project you and Mr. Engineering have in the works!! :)

  16. I love how you're so organized about your goals. Designing is what I'm gunning for this year.


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